
Applications are submitted only once with a non-refundable $40 fee, accepted year-round, and allow eligible families to enroll in any program.  Initial Application

Enrollment/Waitlist Procedure

The CDL is currently operating with a waiting list.  

Children are enrolled based on availability and the following priority:

  • Currently enrolled children are allowed to re-enroll first and are placed at the top of the waitlist at all times
  • Siblings of currently enrolled children are allowed to enroll second and are placed near the top of the waitlist
  • Children from families who have previously attended the CDL are allowed to enroll third and are given priority on the waitlist
  • New families who have submitted Initial Applications with no previous history with the CDL may enroll if space is available and are offered enrollment based on the date their application was received

Enrollment for each academic year begins in January.  Current families may re-enroll children and siblings until mid-February.  From mid-February to March families with a history at the CDL may enroll.  In March, families who have submitted an application to be on our waitlist have the next opportunity to enroll.  In mid-March we begin open enrollment, where all families have the opportunity to enroll until our programs are full.

Enrollment for our Summer program takes place in January with our academic year enrollment. This program typically operates from mid-May through the end of June.


Information is available by contacting our Enrollment & Billing office at 517-355-1900.