Early Childhood-General and Special Education Endorsement (ZS)
Current Undergraduates
Students in the MSU Elementary Education or Special Education Teacher Preparation Programs should contact an HDFS Academic Advisor for adding the ZS endorsement to their degree program.
The endorsement requires 26 credit hours and includes the following courses:
- HDFS 211: Child Growth and Development
- HDFS 320: Interaction with Children in Groups
- HDFS 320L: Interaction with Children-Laboratory
- HDFS 321: Curriculum for Children (W)
- HDFS 321L: Curriculum for Children-Laboratory
- HDFS 322: Infant Development and Program Planning
- HDFS 421: Assessment of the Young Child
- HDFS 424: Student Teaching in an Early Childhood Program
- CEP 240: Diverse Learners in Multicultural Perspective
Current Certified Elementary Education or Special Education Teachers
Persons holding a Michigan Teacher certification in K-5, K-8, or Special Education (K-12) are eligible to add the Early Childhood-General and Special Education (ZS) Endorsement to their teaching certificate.
Application is required. Please contact Laurie Linscott at: linscott@msu.edu for more information. The application below must be completed and on file to begin the program.
The ZS application and more information is available by clicking here