Overview of the MSU Couple and Family Therapy Clinic
Welcome. The Clinic serves clients from the Greater Lansing area and is an Affiliated Agency of the Capital Area United Way. We provide services on a sliding fee scale ($10-$50 per session, depending on family income and size) and services are provided by graduate students under the supervision of faculty in the MSU Couple and Family Therapy program. Supervisors are fully licensed clinicians and Approved Supervisors per the (American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy) guidelines.
How do we think about therapy?
Our clinic is open to families and couples, but we also provide therapy services to individuals, children and teens, and groups. A better name for what we do is “relationship therapy.” Our therapists take a view that every client lives in a web of relationships. Some relationships are past, present and both. Relationships can be problematic; while others are anchors in a storm. These relationships have an impact on how the client thinks and acts and what he/she/they believe about the world. We can help our clients sort out these relationships and move on to better, richer lives.
How can we help?
Couple and Family Therapy begins with a recognition that individual, couple, and family problems do not exist in a vacuum. There are all kinds of stresses that result in or contribute to these problems. Couple and Family Therapy seeks to help find solutions to problems in the context of personal and relational strengths. We are committed to helping our clients with a variety of problems.
We strive to maintain:
- A safe environment that recognizes and honors different backgrounds, all kinds of families, and different life experiences.
- Complete confidentiality in our records, within the limits of Michigan law.
- English and Spanish-speaking therapists.
- A pleasant, supportive atmosphere throughout the Clinic.
- The highest quality therapy services.
The Couple and Family Therapy Clinic does not discriminate or refuse services to anyone on the basis of age, culture, ethnicity, gender, physical disability, race, religion, or sexual orientation.
Will anyone know that we are coming to therapy?
All information provided by you during therapy sessions is legally confidential to persons or agencies outside of therapy. Such information can only be shared with your written permission. Information provided during therapy sessions will be available to the treatment team, including other therapists at the Clinic, Clinic assistants, and Clinical supervisors.
There are certain situations in which your therapist is legally bound to reveal information obtained during therapy to other persons or agencies without your permission. These situations are as follows:
- If your therapist believes that you are in imminent danger to yourself.
- If you threaten grave bodily harm or death to another person or directly endanger the life of another.
- If your therapist suspects abuse or neglect of any child or children.
- If your therapist is ordered to release information by a court of law.
- If you pose a threat to national security.
How do I make an appointment?
Therapy sessions are typically scheduled within one week of the initial phone call. All inquiries are treated confidentially.