Escobar-Chew, Ana-Rocío Ph.D.
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Dr. Ana-Rocío Escobar-Chew is an Assistant Professor in the Couple and Family Therapy (CFT) Program, and Assistant Director of the CFT Clinic. She is a Fulbright fellow, born and raised in Guatemala. Dr. Escobar-Chew is affiliated with the MSU Research Consortium on Gender-based Violence. Her research interests are relational dynamics of Latino and bi-cultural couples, intimate partner violence, and cultural adaptation of evidence-based interventions. Her clinical interests include multi-stressed and diverse families and couples. Her dissertation explored life experiences and needs of Guatemalan mothers exposed to structural violence. She is developing the groundwork for culturally adapting an evidence-based parenting intervention for this population. As project manager, she directed various studies on Latinos/as including one evaluating services for Latina survivors of IPV. Additionally, she managed a NIMH study on a culturally adapted evidence-based parenting intervention for Latino/a immigrants. She is working on submitting these studies’ results for publication. She delivers bilingual (English/Spanish) mental health services to individuals, couples and families in the community.
Curriculum Vitae
Areas of Interest
- Cultural Adaptation Research
- Diverse Families and minority populations
- Qualitative Research
- Clinical Training