Imig, David R. Ph.D.

Since retirement, Gail and I split our time between the Florida Keys in the Winter, and East Lansing and Drummond Island in the Summer and Fall. Taking care of these homes creates a list of things to do that is never ending. Puttering is good. I love to play golf year round, and enjoy fishing in the Keys. We spend time being with our grandkids, Sidney and Kayla, when schedules allow. What I enjoy most in retirement is doing what I want to do when I want to do it. We of course follow Spartan football and basketball no matter where we are.
My major areas of scholarship were marital enrichment and family paradigms. I was cited as a Land Grant pioneer in the area of marital enrichment and was an early innovator of the total on-line course at MSU. I also wrote a web text to complement the on-line course (Imig, David R. (2000; 2005). Interpersonal Relationships, Family Systems and Paradigms. Mozena Multimedia Publications: Venice, CA. In 2005 this course was awarded the SBC Competitive Award as the Most Outstanding On-line class at Michigan State university.
I received my B.S. in 1964 in Biological Sciences (MSU), M.A. in Family Studies in 1969 (MSU), and Ph.D. in 1971 in Family & Child Science (MSU) with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy under Dr. Melcer. I held faculty appointments at MSU ( 1971-1976), Kansas State University (1976-1979), University of Missouri-Columbia (1979-1991), and returned to MSU in 1991 until retirement as Professor Emeritus in 2007.