Bowles, Ryan Ph.D.


Dr. Bowles Photograph


Associate Professor


552 W. Circle Drive, 2E Human Ecology, East Lansing, MI 48823

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PhD., Quantitative Psychology, University of Virginia, 2006, Dissertation: Item response models for intratask change to examine the impacts of proactive interference on the aging of working memory span. Chair: Jack McArdle. M.A., Quantitative Psychology, University of Virginia, 2003. M.A., Economics, University of Chicago, 1999. B.S., Mathematical Economics, Wake Forest University, 1996.


Dr. Ryan P. Bowles studies early childhood language and literacy development. He focuses on how assessments can be used most effectively to understand the skills kids need before they begin reading. Dr. Bowles is an expert in statistical analyses for assessments and development, including item response modeling, structural equation modeling, and longitudinal methods. Dr. Bowles is principal investigator on the NAP project, funded by the U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences (IES), which aims to develop a measure of narrative skills- a child’s ability to tell a coherent and interesting story- and is co-principal investigator on 8 other federally funded grants. Dr. Bowles teaches statistical methods classes for advanced graduate students in the social sciences, including Advanced Measurement.

Curriculum Vitae

Areas of Interest

  • Early Childhood
  • Literacy
  • Measurement