Brophy-Herb, Holly E. Ph.D.
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Dr. Brophy-Herb’s studies how: 1) parents/teachers socialize very young children's emotions; 2) emotions socialization practices vary according to characteristics such as family climate, culture, and adults’ reflective capacity; and, 3) emotion socialization practices relate to early social-emotional development. Dr. Brophy-Herb also studies how child/family processes relate to obesity. Her work informs the development of intervention and training models in family and childcare contexts. Her Building Early Emotion Skills curriculum with MSU Extension has garnered national attention. Dr. Brophy-Herb is Associate Editor, Infant Mental Health Journal, a recipient of Extension’s Key Partner award, and co-founder of the Michigan Infant-Toddler Research Exchange. Her work, funded by the USDA and the US Administration for Children and Families, reflects collaborations with MSU colleagues, Wayne State University, the University of Michigan, Early Head Start/Head Start, and families.
See what Dr. Brophy-Herb and colleagues are doing in the Building Early Emotion Skills Lab or follow her on Twitter @BEES_Lab_MSU.
Curriculum Vitae
Areas of Interest
- Parenting and emotion socialization
- Self-regulation and emotion regulation
- Early Intervention and prevention; Infant mental health
- Reflective functioning; mentalization
- Obesity Risk