Qin, Desiree Baolian Ed.D.


Dr. Qin Photograph


Associate Professor


552 W. Circle Drive, 103E Human Ecology, East Lansing, MI 48824

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Ed.D., Human Development & Psychology, Harvard University, 2004; Ed.M., Human Development & Psychology, Harvard University, 1999; M.A., English Linguistics, Heilongjiang University, 1996; B.A., English Lit. & Linguistics, Heilongjiang University, 1993


Dr. Desiree Baolian Qin has studied mental health of high achieving Asian American students and cultural differences in parenting including tiger mothers. The main question underlying her work is: How do globalization, immigration, culture, gender, and important ecological contexts (e.g., family, peers, school, and community) impact adolescent and emerging adult development? Her most recent project, funded by the Spencer Foundation, focuses on academic, psychosocial and cultural adaptation of Chinese international students. Dr. Qin served as co-chair of SRA’s Young Scholars Program. She is Associate Editor of Journal of Adolescent Research. Her research has been covered by a variety of media outlets in the U.S. and globally. She teaches course on theories of human development, immigrant families, and globalization.

Finally, Dr. Qin’s research on mental health of high achieving Asian American students have been covered by a variety of media outlets in the U.S. (e.g., New York Times, Time magazine, the Atlantic), UK (e.g., BBC world news, Times of London), Australia, and many Asian countries such as India, Singapore, Korea, and China. She was also a frequent guest for a Voice of America Chinese language TV show on parenting.

Areas of Interest

  • Immigrant families
  • Parenting
  • Culture
  • Adolescent, emerging adult development