Nuttall, Amy K. Ph.D.


Dr. Nuttall Photograph


Assistant Professor


552 W. Circle Drive, 2H Human Ecology, East Lansing, MI 48824

Phone Number



Ph.D., Developmental Psychology (minor in Quantitative Psychology), University of Notre Dame; M.A., Developmental Psychology, University of Notre Dame; B.A., Psychology, University of Colorado at Boulder.


Dr. Amy K. Nuttall’s program of research broadly focuses on processes of resilience and risk in the context of family stress with the broader goal of translating research into effective interventions. Guided by a developmental psychopathology perspective, Nuttall is particularly interested in family relationships and roles (e.g., generational boundary dissolution, role reversal parentification, triangulation), parenting practices, and child development under a variety of contexts of family stress (e.g., sibling with a disability, childhood bereavement, interparental conflict, child maltreatment). Nuttall’s research utilizes a multi-method, multiple-levels of analysis approach to study child development.

Nuttall teaches graduate statistics courses (Multivariate Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and Longitudinal SEM) and a graduate seminar, Parenthood and Parent Education.

Curriculum Vitae

Areas of Interest

  • Family stress contexts
  • Intergenerational transmission of parenting
  • Sibling relationships
  • Resilient family processes and child developmental outcomes
  • Quantitative methods for studying development and families